Ken Karagozian
Ken Karagozian
Ken Karagozian is driven by his passion to photograph the world around him, and in particular, the people in that world. For over 30 years, Ken has borne witness through his photography to an intriguing array of the ordinary and extraordinary characters he has sought out.
Using black and white photography as his chosen medium, Ken excels in his portraiture of the working class, melding a documentary clarity with a compassionate eye for his subjects. His sensitive depictions of ordinary people and technical command of his tools yield character studies of great warmth and depth, allowing him to reveal insights into the inner person while maintaining their bearing of rugged dignity.
With subjects as far-ranging as swap meet vendors and customers, Los Angeles subway construction workers, and leather-clad legions of motorcyclists, Mr. Karagozian's perceptive vision brings us face to face with a new world of other people.
Ken’s photography has been widely exhibited locally and nationally, and has been featured in many publications, including LIFE Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and Pasadena Magazine, as well as on television. His award-winning work has been widely recognized, including the California State Fair, Los Angeles County Fair, Armenian Allied Arts Association, Gallery 777 and other institutions. Collectors include the Huntington Library, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority, and individual collectors.
For additional information, please contact Ken via email at